Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Starting out Fresh!

(This blog was originally posted by "tgdindenmark1", March 20, 2013)

As I am entering the great world of blogging (once again) I decided that there are certain subjects which, while being written about, most definitely could need a little dosage of humor mixed into the content, in order to make a rather boring (and, at times, rather grim) subject enjoyable enough for the average person to want to read about it. One of those subjects is US Immigration...

This blog will serve as a port to various information such as news, policies, opinions about policies and procedures of American immigration, as well as links to organizations that may share similar visions and goals as my own organization, Int. Humanitarian Alliance. It will also serve as the main port/source of information with regards to our own projects and programs, etc.

I will, however, in the progress of this blog, make it my goal to create the site as entertaining as possible, without taking away the most important purpose, which is to bring non-American readers to the realization that the current American immigration issue is a global issue if looking at it in a macro perspective, and therefore, should be handled- well, as you, the reader, may have figured out, on a global level. 

Just as we have made joint efforts from every corner of the world to end extreme poverty and the need to eradicate various diseases,ask yourself: how important isn’t it now to join efforts in order to let 11.5 million unauthorized aliens have the opportunity to live a life with the basic human right of being able to provide for themselves and their families, in a legal and dignified way, the basic human needs such as food, shelter and access to medical care?

Furthermore, as I certainly hope that I am able to reach out with the information provided here on this site to communities throughout the world, I simultaneously welcome visitors to contribute with comments, suggestions, and future guest blogging. So, if you were navigated to this blog via our website, or if you simply stumbled unto it by accident- please let me know that you were here and whether you liked what you found; and most importantly, what can be provided in order to improve the overall content as well as entertainment value of the site…

Kindest regards,

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